Create your own robot! Metropolitan University launches the second edition of Robotech

Enthusiasts of coding and robotics will now have the opportunity to develop their skills in the "Robotech" competition, organized for the second edition by the Metropolitan University of Tirana, with expansion to regions other than the capital.
Dr. Elton Domnori, lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science & IT at UMT explains that "Robotech aims to introduce young Albanians to technology. This is the second edition. Last year we were focused only on Tirana, while this year we have managed to expand to several other cities, enabling the participation of 25 groups. Initially, there were 50 groups that applied, but we created a shorter list of 25 participants. Each of the groups will build a robot that will perform a specific task that the group has defined."

In collaboration with the Center for Openness and Dialogue (COD) at the Prime Minister's Office, the National Youth Agency and Metroresearch, the Metropolitan University of Tirana presented Robotech, an initiative that aims to empower and inspire future entrepreneurs in the field of innovation and technology.
The opening ceremony brought together important actors from the fields of innovation, education, media and public institutions such as the Director of COD, Jetona Koçibelli, the Director of AKR, Geron Ibrahim, the Director of Startup Albania Agency, Arjan Ymeri, the President of UMT Eng. Arjan Çukaj, the Rector of UMT Prof. Dr. Nikolla Civici and hundreds of high school students.
"Through such support, COD aims to empower young people to be leaders in the field of technology, creating opportunities for sustainable development at the national and global levels. I hope that each of you has the right time, the means, and the imagination to express your talent," said COD Director Jetona Koçibelli.
The President of UMT, Eng. Arjan Çukaj said that such competitions are in the vision of the university, bringing innovation every year. "The university itself is formatted on exact sciences, engineering, software and computer sciences. We see many high school students who have the inclination, but do not understand how capable they are when they try themselves in this field, such as robotics," said Çukaj.
RoboTech promises a challenging edition, full of opportunities for young people who want to explore the world of technology and innovation. Applications for this year's edition of the RoboTech competition have closed with a record number of participants. The group of professors of the Metropolitan University of Tirana is making the final selections for the participating teams, which will be launched in the coming days.
The students themselves who attended the first edition of Robotech expressed their happiness for this unique opportunity, suggesting it to their peers.
Metropolitan University of Tirana, focused on computer science, artificial intelligence, architecture, engineering and economics, offers students 25 bachelor's and master's degree programs, while it is the only Albanian university to have created a doctoral school in Artificial Intelligence.