Cell phones should be banned from students and teachers! Rama talks about the new system that will be applied in schools
The remission of fines for constructions without permission causes a clash between the government and the opposition
Godfather in the French senate: Franco-Albanian archaeological mission, contribution to cultural heritage
The murder of Martin Cani, the minor who was charged as the second perpetrator, surrenders to the police
Kumbaro: 35 million euros for the modernization of the infrastructure for predicting and mitigating climate risks
Dumani: There are still corrupt people in the system! They passed the vetting, but continue to commit corrupt acts
Testimony of the injured 14-year-old's father, the State Police reacts: There is no second author involved in this event
There is a second perpetrator in the murder whose name is not being mentioned...! The shocking statement of Martin's friend's father
L'autore dell'omicidio di Martin Cani non dice dove abbia nascosto l'arma del delitto. Avviata l'indagine per complici
Il padre di Martin Can: Non ci sono state né consolazioni né scuse da parte della famiglia dell'autore. Mi hanno preso il cuore, voglio giustizia!
Il secondo nobile messaggio dei genitori dell'assassinato Martin: non vogliamo vendetta. Nessuno diventerà figlio di un criminale
Rama's first reaction after the murder of the 14-year-old: We are in a dilemma, to close TikTok and SnapChat in Albania