Rama announces the opening of the 3rd chapter of the negotiations and denies the news about Veliaj's visit to the Durrës detention center

Through an announcement in X, Prime Minister Edi Rama announced the opening of Chapter 3 of the negotiations and also denied several reports about visiting Veliaj in Durrës prison.
Prime Minister's post: Yesterday we received the letter from the Polish Presidency of the EU, for the opening of the group chapter 3 of the negotiations, while on January 29 we received the letter for the opening of the group chapter 2, that is, for the opening of two other doors in the corridor towards the great hall of the united European family. I just finished my live speech here at the Prime Minister's Office, where with the national negotiation team we are also presenting to the public the Artificial Intelligence model, which has just entered full-time operation after successful testing. Meanwhile, the political-media swamp has opened the fake news that I have set out to meet Erioni in Durrës and journalists are also lined up there. You great scum who drowned this millet with the excrement of your rotten soul and whose only job is to spit out dirty headlines from your mouth all day long or distort and take them out of context when you put them in my mouth, and then comment on them at the crossroads of your nightly hooliganism! Erion is in custody and whether I like it or not how his case was handled, I am not you, I am neither like you nor like the owl of your quacking swamp. Erion's legal battle is his and his lawyers' battle, not mine and the Socialist Party's. When I say we need justice that fights corruption and guarantees democratic standards, I say what I believe and it doesn't even occur to me to make a spectacle of visiting prisons or becoming a party to the justice process in any form. Because I am not a swamp and God has not punished me with a wrinkled face, imposing on me the role of a swamp owl to wash away the rights of a wicked public life! And as you can see on channels and portals throughout Albania, I do not control SPAK, which I do not control while I have led the fight for its creation as a flag of independence in the territory that was completely occupied by justice until yesterday, nor do I control a single media outlet. Do you know why? Because I say what I do and do what I say, as the leader of the largest political force of Albanians who have been enduring your scum on myself and my family for years now, just because I have undertaken to take Albania once and for all beyond your 100-odd-year-old swamp, seating it as a lady at the table of the United European Family