Horoscope for February, Sagittarius - Capricorn

Horoscope for February, Sagittarius - Capricorn


If you were born under the sign of Sagittarius, in the first days of February you will have a pleasant time communicating, you will be in the mood to talk to a variety of people. In general, in February you will invest more time and energy in solving a problem that will put you at odds with other people in some way.

This month you will have more than one reason to be in a bad mood or depressed, but how quickly you get out of such a state will depend entirely on you.

February can be a very successful month, with the chances you will get for growth and progress.

This month you will have an important or interesting financial relationship with a woman over 35.

February will be a favorable month for finding new sources of income for the family.

Your love life will be turbulent, with various emotional experiences. You may experience a brief crisis in your relationship that will show how strong or true your feelings and desires are.

An old love affair or marriage may bring you worries.

A piece of news or a proposal this month will force you to think seriously before giving a response.

The successes of your friends or relatives can make you think about what you yourself have missed as a chance so far in your life.

Boys and girls will have a busy month in terms of studies or work. Those of you who have brothers or sisters will be involved in more important matters related to them.

Men will be more optimistic than women. You will see life more cheerfully, you will make bold plans for your future, you will be positive about life in general.

For you, February will definitely be a very important month for the development of your personal and professional affairs. In many moments, luck will be on your side. This is not the time to lose easily. You will face a difficult time in the coming months, which you will be able to get through easily only if you have shown responsibility in the execution of your tasks.

During this month, women will have the opportunity to successfully arrange financial documents and payments. Getting extra money into your family is likely to happen.

During this month, expect important news regarding a child or a young person, from your circle of relatives or friends.


If you were born under the sign of Capricorn, in the first days of February you will have the desire to communicate in a harmonious way with your loved ones. This will be a favorable time to strengthen or stabilize your relationship with your partner. These first days of the month will be a favorable time to travel abroad and deal with foreigners.

Overall, however, the events you will experience in February will test how much life experience and wisdom you have gathered so far.

Avoid sarcastic comments, skepticism of other people's actions, as this will lead to alienation of relationships that have had a meaning in your life so far.

Do your best to control your nervousness so that it doesn't create unwanted disruptions in your daily life.

In February, love will be more difficult for you, where it will sometimes be difficult to make the right decisions in complex or conflicting situations. You will tend to see things only through your emotions.

You can achieve very strong positions in your work or business, where you will not lack opportunities to show your skills or consolidate results already achieved.

You will also be given new opportunities to express yourself, to find new markets or new clients, depending on the field you work in. This will be a favorable month for starting a new job or a new business.

Most of the expenses for the family this month will be related to the largest household bills, paying annual fees, taxes. These things should be planned well in advance.

February brings a joyful event or news regarding a child or young person who lives far from you or who will be traveling this month.

During this month, boys and girls will have a meeting, visit or gathering, most likely related to a relative who lives or works in another city or country.

February will bring you a chance to realize previously missed opportunities. You may unexpectedly find forgotten or stolen items.

During this month, men will receive useful advice or information from a friend or colleague.

Suddenly, for some of you in February, temporary complications may arise related to a long trip.

Those women who will be traveling this month should be careful with all the documents and money that will be needed for this trip.