If you were born under the sign of Gemini, the transit of the Moon in relation to Saturn may cause depression, financial difficulties or other unpleasant obligations for you in the first days of the month. The numerous demands that will arise before you may be the cause of your negative emotional state. Difficult relationships with women from your circle of relatives are possible.
However, in general, February can be remembered for an interesting business meeting, a presentation related to your work, or the emergence of another favorable opportunity in this regard.
You are ready to have a conversation or contact people from different distances for work or business. You may receive an interesting offer, information, ideas, help, etc.
During this month, you will have a clash and contradiction with a person who has a difficult and unhelpful character. Definitely someone who has no sympathy for you or has competing interests and goals.
A love or intimate relationship from the past will remind you of yourself and bring you back to old memories.
You may experience some light flirting this month, but without any serious prospects.
Pay special attention this month to your family budget and everything that has to do with money.
Beware of false promises.
You will experience joy in your home regarding an unexpected event or gathering.
During this month, problems will arise with the health of a close person, who, in turn, will show stubbornness or fear of treatment.
For boys and girls, various events and experiences can occur in February that can trigger strong emotions. You are about to experience a series of unexpected events, some of which may bring you new opportunities for development. Be ready for new offers or chances that fate will give you this month.
Some of the men will experience a difficult emotional event related to a person from the circle of relatives or friends.
Financially speaking, women will have to organize their priorities at all costs and achieve their realization. However, nothing will happen without the help of people from your home or relatives.
This month, an occasion for joy could be a new beginning or success.
During this month, pay more attention to your serious illnesses and health problems.
If you were born under the sign of Cancer, in the first days of February, the aspect of the Moon in Trine with Mars will give you a lot of passion and desire to start implementing a plan or initiative of your own. Be direct and assertive in expressing your desires, but not rude.
During this month, you can expect an offer for a better job or an opportunity to change your current job, find an additional commitment, etc.
You will probably have expectations related to colleagues or a supervisor this month, but a clash of interests or differences in goals will change the course of events.
Your love life will be complicated and the events that will unfold will aim to put pressure on you for a change. However, things may prove impossible, very complicated for you if you are not ready for them.
In February, you will have to compromise in order to tactfully get out of a delicate situation. Trying to apologize in this case will not help you, and may even trigger emotions in the other person for which you will be unprepared.
During this month, expect a joyful event related to the birth of a child or you will rejoice in the success of a young person.
Special emotions can arise from a gift you receive unexpectedly.
Boys and girls will have financial problems. Be careful what you spend your money on! Your communication with people in your circle of relatives will be difficult, emotional and sensitive.
Men will have an engagement or experience an important event in relation to a woman. During this month, you may be surprised by a nice gesture of attention or a gift from a loved one (most likely from your family).
In February, difficulties may arise with people who have similar interests and goals to you and who may be your serious competitors.
During this month, women will be disturbed by an unpleasant incident or news regarding a person they know.