Weekly horoscope Libra - Scorpio

Weekly horoscope Libra - Scorpio


If you were born under the sign of Libra, this week can be a good time for a variety of events and experiences, which may include contacts with people near and far. During these days, you can organize a meeting with friends or family members, for example in a cafe or at home. Sharing different experiences or stories will strengthen your bonds. You can participate in a variety of virtual events, from online courses and webinars to concerts and theater productions. It is a great way to connect with people from different parts of the world.

If possible, plan a short trip to a new place.

The week can be busy and full of emotions, whether it's close encounters or new acquaintances.

Some of you may experience an unexpected encounter.

The week brings various events for parents born in this zodiac sign who have a daughter or granddaughter.

The week may be remembered for some major changes in your public, professional appearances. If you have not been active enough in this area so far, during these seven days you can start a new activity.

During this week, many will receive a job or business offer. It won't be bad for you as long as it aligns with what you want for yourself in terms of commitment and development.

This week's surprise may be related to a wedding or another important event in the lives of your friends or distant relatives with whom you have contact.

During this week, boys and girls will look for new ways to change or refresh the routine in their daily lives. This will be a favorable time for changes related to your personality, education, work, and goals in life.

During this week, men will rely on a relative or a friend for something that is important to you and you will surely manage to get what was promised or expected of you. You will have good relationships with people outside the home. Family and personal finances will be your priority, but overall this week you will be in a favorable position.

For women, a stressful situation will be created, which will be caused by your previous mistakes or inactions, lies or unfaithful behavior towards other people. Your relationships with people who will try to manipulate you for their own personal gain will require attention.


If you were born under the sign of Scorpio, this week you will have serious plans or tasks related, most likely, to the house you live in or other properties you own. Repairs, improvements, changes of any kind are possible, including moving to a new home.

This will be a favorable week for purchasing additional properties or taking a vacation.

During these seven days, starting your own business will be discussed.

The week will create opportunities to build new perspective relationships with people from different distances.

Conflicts in your home or with relatives, during these seven days, can ruin your relationship with them for a long time.

The priority for some of you this week will be inheritance cases, commitments with inherited property, housing for parents or other relatives. You will be able to realize an important plan related to real estate or movable property.

Problems in love life can provoke the desire for separation. Do not rush into such decisions. Sometimes such an emotional decision cannot be corrected.

Boys and girls will have the opportunity to achieve significant results in areas related to education or career.

During this week you will need to do a favor for another person at the request of a friend or relative.

During this time period, men will have to postpone or refuse to attend a meeting. It is likely that your attention at this time will be directed to another more important commitment or event.

Expect joy in your home connected to people or events from another place of residence.

For women, an unexpected life situation will make them think about things that happen often in life, but for which we always find ourselves unprepared. Such an event can provoke you to talk to your loved ones about some important issues.

Many will be able to start a new job this week or will experience an important event in the family, which will be related to work or business.