
What will the weather be like today?

What will the weather be like today?

This Friday, our country will continue to be under the influence of unstable air masses, bringing cloudy weather throughout the country.

They will be most pronounced in the Central and Southern areas, generating rainfall on the coast and low-lying areas, as well as snowfall in mountainous areas.

The afternoon hours are expected to continue under the influence of brief clearings and frequent cloudiness, bringing occasional light rain and snowfall, more pronounced in the South and Southeast of the territory.

Air temperatures will increase slightly both in the morning and at noon, with daily values ​​fluctuating from -1°C, the lowest value recorded in the city of Peshkopia, to 16°C, the highest value expected in Fier and Kuçovë.

The wind will blow at an average speed of over 65 km/h from a mainly Southeasterly direction, creating waves of up to 5 force on the sea coasts.