
6 hours of hearing, GJKKO confirms prison arrest for Veliaj, mandatory appearance for Ajola Xoxa

6 hours of hearing, GJKKO confirms prison arrest for Veliaj, mandatory

After a 6-hour trial, the GJKKO has made a decision for Mayor Erion Veliaj. Veliaj will remain in prison. While for his wife Ajola Xoxa, the measure has been changed to 'compulsory appearance'.

Today's session started at 1:30 PM and ended at 7:30 PM.

The arrest of Erjon Veliaj has ignited politics in the country. Edi Rama has changed course towards his stance with SPAK, making some harsh statements.

Mayor Veliaj himself had arguments today with the prosecutor in charge of the case, whom he accused of conflict of interest.

The media have revealed his statement in the court session: It has not been explained to me even today why I am arrested, I, a mayor who was voted in by the people of Tirana, have done my duty. I have taken revenge on my family because I worked both Saturday and Sunday, and even on holidays.

But cursed be he who works in this country, that he becomes the object of attack and finds himself in this situation that I am in today. The villa in Qerret is not ours, it is natural that my child's toys will be there and that my wife is an only child and my mother-in-law and I don't know why it seems so unnatural that the child's toys are at the grandmother's house.

Many of Veliaj's supporters have been standing outside the courtroom to watch him. Among them are well-known names. Helena Kadare also went to court today to watch him closely.