
Rama: They have arrested the mayor, why is there no emergency at SPAK for January 21?

Rama: They have arrested the mayor, why is there no emergency at SPAK for

Prime Minister Edi Rama has stated that only an evil person can still say that SPAK is controlled by him and reminded SPAK via a live link on Facebook where the investigations for January 21 are?

"What should I do about January 21st? You have to be an idiot or a villain to continue saying that Rama controls SPAK."

Ask SPAK, not me.

I'm telling you again, January 21st did not go unpunished, but I won't tell you because I don't do justice.

January 21st is one of those issues that drag on. When the families of the victims come to me, I have nothing to say to them.

"All this urgency to imprison Veliaj and not for January 21st," he said.