
I love Biden! And I give you all the reasons why Trump brainwashed Americans with propaganda

I love Biden! And I give you all the reasons why Trump brainwashed Americans

After the video question that the editor of Mira Kazhani asked, there were different reactions. We have chosen a long message from Matilda to share with you.

Full message:

For Good and TIP: I can not vote in the presidential election yet, but what I have seen and what makes the difference is that the average American who makes up a large percentage of the population is 'brain washed'.

Trump's strategy from the beginning has been to bombard the media, social networks with so much information and why not truth that people when they hear him speak believe him.

Their electoral system makes the votes of some people in the so-called "white zones" more valuable than the votes of people in more diverse countries. He did not win the people's vote even 4 years ago and he will not win it now and that is not right (and why who am I to question their Constitution, but just saying).

He appears on TV, Twitter and rallies saying that he has developed the economy by giving the example of how much the 'stock market' has grown, but the economy and the 'stock market' have nothing to do with each other, even comparing them like that is a wrong notion thoroughly. During the pandemic, people received money from assistance and state aid and managed to get more money than they did when they were at work, but most do not know that that money will be taxed next year. He issued a 'payment protection plan' that no large company adopted because it was 'non sense'.

Njerëzit thonë nuk duan të kthehen në shtet socialist me Biden (po nuk dinë të të japin 3 motive pse e mendojnë këtë), por iu lezetoi shumë të merrnin asistenca dhe janë të parët që bëjnë kërkesa për asistencën shëndetësore falas dhe rrinë me muaj nëpër telefona duke bërë kontestuar faturat e spitaleve.

Nga rrethi im shoqëror/kolegë pune asnjë njeri i shkolluar që kanë pozicione të larta nuk e mbështesin Trump. E mbështesin njerëzit e varfër që kanë pak informacion, njerëzit që nuk kanë udhëtuar asnjëherë jashtë Amerikës (më beso që janë shumë) dhe ai iu mbush kokën me broçkulla. Njerëzit thonë bëri mirë që u largua nga WHO, nga ‘accordo’ i Parisit se Amerika jepte shumë lekë, por nuk kuptojnë që pasojat do i kenë ata vetë dhe se ngrohja globale nuk do kursejë Amerikën vetëm se kështu thotë Trump.

He says I won, and then he comes out and says the votes are being stolen, questioning the legitimacy of "the most democratic state in the world."