
Rule number one that everyone who is splitting up should follow

Rule number one that everyone who is splitting up should follow

Are you parting with him? Do you know what rule number 1 is? "Do not contact". Neither with him, nor with family or friends around him. No conversation, no message, no comment and no phone ring. Nothing!

The very first step is: block the number!

It may be difficult to block the former number, but not impossible.

"If I had not blocked the number I would never have continued my life before."

"I always do. It is something that has 100% effect. "Never talk to him or him again."

"It obviously hurt us both, but otherwise we would not have recovered from the separation nor would we have grown up."

These are the statements of some girls who have tried this method and are witness to how effective it is.

* Cosmopolitan article was adapted in Albanian by