
For 'Stolen Childhood'

“Feminizmi nuk ka të bëjë me forcën e femrave. Femrat si natyrë janë të forta, por ka si qëllim të ndryshojë mënyrën se si bota e percepton forcën” G.D. Anderson

For 'Stolen Childhood'

By Blerina Ruka / Time of spiritual turmoil, but unlike any other time, this time the shame was not swallowed with bread.

I could not protest, but I can still raise my voice. I followed with great interest today the rally called by civil society, activists and citizens to join the peaceful call against the phenomenon of rape. Unable to be physically there, I have shown solidarity whenever it has been necessary for a woman to raise her voice when she is raped. I saw a lot there, but we have to be even more together, boys, fathers, brothers, to encourage those hundreds of others who can't report, because of the fear that only violence is recognized as language.

When a girl, a woman, a mother is raped or raped, a life, a family, a society is shaken.

In Tirana, protests were held for all children and girls whose childhood was stolen, against abuse, rape and violence.

Every 7 seconds in the world, a girl under the age of 15 marries, often forced by her parents, into a marriage with a much older man. Every year there are about 15 million girls and 4 million of them have not turned 15 years old. According to a report titled "Stolen Child", presented by Save The Children, it is explained that early marriages have a devastating effect on the lives of young girls, who are forced to give up their childhood and school, as they have to keep the family. Young girls are also at risk of sexually transmitted diseases or domestic violence, leading to the death of many.

But to return to today's rally, how rarely did civil society raise the voice of a cause that had lost its voice.

'For stolen childhood', 'Protect girls, not pedophiles', 'Why don't we report', 'Marry my daughter and granddaughters', 'Don't rape' were some of the slogans and banners that citizens held in their hands.

The woman was raped by figures, her dignity was ruined, her integrity was diminished, her desire for life and the meaning of the future were forgotten. The mindset that needs to be fought, the trauma that deepens throughout life. Their silence is stronger than the word… The victim is never guilty, at any moment, under any circumstances.

Worship to see a young girl who comes out and grabs the world by the collar of her jacket.

Gratitude to all who are there and understand the importance of family and injustice, in a march without political overtones, so civic and quite noble.

For 'Stolen Childhood'