
A Jewish doctor came to the aid of Queen Geraldine in Greece

A Jewish doctor came to the aid of Queen Geraldine in Greece

By Aurenc Baby *

L'Univers Israélite has published, on April 21, 1939, on page 15, a writing about the help then rendered by a Jewish doctor to Queen Geraldine, whom Aurenc Bebja, through the Blog "Dars (Klos)" , Mat - Albania ”, has brought to the Albanian public:

A Jewish doctor came to the aid of Queen Geraldine in Greece

In aid of Queen Geraldine

We are told from Athens that among the doctors called to help Queen Geraldine is Professor Weidl (Weibel), a Jewish refugee from Vienna.

The name of the Jewish physician is also confirmed by a letter from Le Temps, dated April 15, 1939, on page n ° 2:

The state of health of Queen Geraldine

A Jewish doctor came to the aid of Queen Geraldine in Greece

Write to us from Athens on April 13:

Professor Louros, accompanied by Professor Weibel, arrived in Athens today from Larissa. He told reporters that Queen Geraldine had recovered completely and that her condition was satisfactory. / Retrieved from