By Aurenc Baby *
L'Univers Israélite has published, on April 21, 1939, on page 15, a writing about the help then rendered by a Jewish doctor to Queen Geraldine, whom Aurenc Bebja, through the Blog "Dars (Klos)" , Mat - Albania ”, has brought to the Albanian public:
In aid of Queen Geraldine
We are told from Athens that among the doctors called to help Queen Geraldine is Professor Weidl (Weibel), a Jewish refugee from Vienna.
The name of the Jewish physician is also confirmed by a letter from Le Temps, dated April 15, 1939, on page n ° 2:
The state of health of Queen Geraldine
Write to us from Athens on April 13:
Professor Louros, accompanied by Professor Weibel, arrived in Athens today from Larissa. He told reporters that Queen Geraldine had recovered completely and that her condition was satisfactory. / Retrieved from