
Autism lives near us, but we often refuse it

Autism lives near us, but we often refuse it

April 2 - World Autism Day, on this day, we still place emphasis on raising awareness of the specifics of this disorder, diagnosing and treating it, how the world of a child can be on the spectrum and not least the role of the parent. some tips to follow. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex multi-faceted neurobiological disorder of human development.

Children with ASD generally have 3 areas of activity impaired: 1-Social relationship 2-Communication (verbal and nonverbal) 3-Stereotypical behavior / activities Caring parents and well-meaning specialists can sometimes identify the first signs that 18 months of age. Every child is unique and the intervention is different in different children. Therapies make it possible to control and modify specific symptoms by delivering significant and sustained improvement. The common denominator is that early intervention works and significantly improves prognosis.

Children with autism are observers of everything, even your attitude towards them. Part of their picture this small compared to their big world will make you reflect more: "I am different from you, I live in a small, colorful world, its language is the language of heart, understanding, acceptance, and prejudice Sometimes I am a bit lazy, defiant or even opposed but the key to the gateway to my world is always love. " Those who understand the most and who I want to emphasize are the parents. Parenting a child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder is very challenging but one must not forget that experiences have shown and proved that this battle can be successfully fought when it comes to never giving up parents.

Some tips I would point out that they should follow are: • Unconditional continued love even when your child's actions, accomplishments, and behaviors do not match what you feel, think or act toward him / her. • Believing in your child's abilities and potentials. • Willingness to accept and go out in the open with your child. • Patience, patience and much patience, as it brings more achievement than strength. And lastly, all children carry their potential, and all of us together (the therapist, educator, parent, and the whole community) should be given the opportunity to highlight the potential. And what should not be forgotten is the amount of little effort that is repeated every day. ABA Sibora Grifi Logopede / Therapist

Autism lives near us, but we often refuse it
ABA Sibora Grifi Logopede / Therapist