Study/ Mothers reduce the level of stress in their daughters even through a phone call

A study found that a mother's phone call can be just as comforting as physical contact for her daughter. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that phone calls from mothers released similar levels of oxytocin in girls as if they had the mother nearby.
The study involved 61 girls aged 7-12 who were stressed by giving speeches and solving math problems in front of strangers. Then they were comforted either by physical contact with their mothers or by telephone calls. Another group, the neutral one, was given to watch a movie, for relaxation.
Oxytocin levels increased similarly in the first two groups, but not in the third. So in the group of girls who met their mothers and in the group who talked on the phone, oxytocin increased. The increase in this hormone led to a decrease in cortisol, the stress hormone.
The study highlights the powerful emotional bond between mothers and daughters, even over a phone call.