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Microsoft Study: Artificial Intelligence Kills Critical Thinking

Microsoft Study: Artificial Intelligence Kills Critical Thinking

New research from Microsoft and Mellon University suggests that the widespread use of AI in the workplace could erode cognitive skills.

The study surveyed 319 knowledge workers across a variety of fields, collecting 936 real-world examples of AI use. It found that higher confidence in AI-assisted tasks was associated with reduced critical thinking, while self-confidence was linked to stronger analytical skills.

The study warns that AI automates routine tasks and impairs human judgment over time. Workers who did not trust the results of working with AI were more likely to engage in critical thinking and verify the results.

Al users tend to produce fewer different solutions compared to those without Al assistance.

Ultimately, the research highlights a shift where professionals primarily monitor AI outcomes rather than actively engage in task execution, raising concerns about long-term support and the creation of dependency on problem solving.