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Why did people start talking? 

Why did people start talking?

Scientists have identified a unique gene that may be linked to the ancient origins of spoken language, suggesting that the ability to communicate was essential for the survival of Homo sapiens.

Spoken language allowed us to share information, organize activities and transmit knowledge, giving us an advantage over Neanderthals and Denisovans. The study, published in the journal Nature Communications, shows that a protein variant called NOVA1, present only in modern humans, may have played a key role in this process.

Dr. Robert Darnell of Rockefeller University said that this variant may have helped shape new communication capabilities. In one experiment, researchers used CRISPR technology to replace the NOVA1 protein in mice with the exclusively human version. The result? The mice began to "speak" differently!

When the mothers approached, the pups produced different sounds than the mice without this variant.

"They spoke differently," Darnell said, illustrating the protein's potential to influence how we communicate.

This isn't the first time a gene has been linked to speech. In 2001, scientists discovered the gene FOXP2, which plays a role in language and speech. But FOXP2 wasn't exclusive to humans — it was also present in Neanderthals. NOVA1, on the other hand, is unique to our species.

However, the ability to speak does not depend solely on genes. The anatomy of the throat and the interaction of brain areas are also decisive factors.

However, the discovery of this variant could pave the way for early identification of children who need speech intervention, or even the development of new treatments for communication disorders. "This is certainly an exciting possibility," said Liza Finestack of the University of Minnesota.