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Learn not to torture yourself: The path to inner peace

Qetësia dhe ekuilibri emocional janë një çështje prioritetesh. Kur vendos përparësi te gjërat që të bëjnë të ndihesh mirë, do ta gjesh qetësinë pranë vetes, çdo ditë

Learn not to torture yourself: The path to inner peace

At the end of the year, we often take stock: “Where did I go wrong? What could I have done better?” At the beginning of the year, we build projects and set goals: “These goals need to be achieved. I need to try harder.” But both of these approaches, while natural, are detrimental to our mental well-being. One fills us with self-criticism and blame for the past; the other forces us to live entirely for the future. In the process, we lose the value of the present moment.

Past and Future: Two Extremes That Take You Away from the Present

Whenever we stop to analyze our decisions, our minds focus on the mistakes: “I shouldn’t have made that decision” or “I should have been more determined.” On the other hand, living with expectations for the future robs you of the beauty of the present. Living with yesterday or tomorrow in mind deprives you of the simple joy of each daily moment.

The future: A blank slate

If you focus only on expectations, you put your dreams on hold and miss out on the magic of making them happen in the present. The more you try to control everything, the more you fear that everything will get out of hand. To regain your peace of mind and relieve anxiety, enjoy the present moment and stop trying to achieve every goal at all costs.

The secret to happiness: Enjoy the present

If you associate happiness only with achieving goals, it will always remain distant. The secret lies in enjoying the small moments, here and now. Even the simplest actions, like cooking, can turn into rituals that bring joy if you pay attention and care to them.

A practical exercise: Put your dreams in a box

One way to reconnect with your true desires is to create a symbolic ritual. Write down on paper the desires you once had but have neglected. Accompany them with a small symbolic object and place them in a box. This box will represent the inner space where dreams can develop in peace. Stop disturbing them, but let them grow on their own.

The magic of the internal process

When we let our desires develop naturally, without pressure, they come to life in unexpected ways. Just as a seed needs time to germinate, your desires need space and peace to come to fruition.

So, stop trying to force yourself. Focus on the present and let life flow naturally. You will be amazed by the joys and surprises that each day brings.