Stil jete

Did you know that the life of a bee costs only one spoonful of honey?

Did you know that the life of a bee costs only one spoonful of honey?

The life of a bee is pure dedication!

A bee lives only 40 days, pollinates 150 thousand flowers and makes a spoonful of honey. That's it. For you it's just a spoonful of honey, but for... it's her whole life.

Did you know that the life of a bee costs only one spoonful of honey?

However, bees do more than just make honey!

A single bee visits over 1,000 flowers every day. They pollinate plants, keeping ecosystems and agriculture thriving.

If you're a naturalist and want to help bees, plant nectar-rich flowers on your balcony or garden. Clover and lavender are good choices.