The coach said that it is his own daughter that he hit and that he gives his life for her, but this does not save him from punishment

A video of a coach hitting an 8-year-old girl after losing a Taekwondo competition has gone viral.
After the public trial, Valmir Fetiu appeared on social networks with the little girl, for whom he clarified that she is his daughter and that he would give his life for a claw of hers. A statement also serious, that legitimizes domestic violence.
He clarified that he slapped her not because of the loss, but because she was worried after the loss.
However, Fetiu did not escape punishment after this committed act.
The Supervisory Board of the Competitions in the European Cadet Championship 2024 in Tirana, has decided to suspend the coach for six months, for his aggressive behavior towards the contestant at the end of the match.
After this punishment, he will not be able to practice his profession either in national or international competitions.