Foreigners "invade" us, since March, overnight stays increase by 64%

The tourist season has started rapidly this year, not waiting for the traditional start of the season, when summer approaches.
Instat data revealed that in March there was a significant increase in both non-resident visitors and their overnight stays.
The number of total visitors has increased by 45.6%, compared to March 2023. The following two indicators follow the same trend:
• the number of resident visitors increased by 21.5%;
• the number of non-resident visitors increased by 68.7%.
The total number of overnight stays has increased by 46.0%, compared to March 2023. The
following two indicators follow the same trend:
• the number of overnight stays by residents has increased by 21.1%;
• the number of overnight stays by non-residents has increased by 64.3%.
During the month of March 2024, there was an increase in the number of total visitors by 45.6%, compared to March 2023.
The number of non-resident visitors who were accommodated in the Central Region increased by 83.3%. In
non-coastal areas, this indicator has increased by 71.4%, compared to the same period of the previous year. The number of
non-resident visitors in "Hotels and similar accommodation" has increased by 64.1%.
In the month of March 2024, the highest number of visitors results:
• by regions in the "Center Region" (62.3%);
• according to areas close to the coast in "Non-coastal areas" (68.7%);
• according to the type of accommodation structures in "Hotels and similar accommodation" (95.0%).
Night stays
During the month of March 2024, the total number of overnight stays has increased by 46.0% compared to the month of March 2023. The number of overnight stays of non-resident visitors who have been accommodated in the Center Region has increased
by 66.1%.
In non-coastal areas, this indicator has increased by 71.6%, compared to the same period of the previous year. The number of nights of non-resident visitors who were accommodated in "Hotels and
similar accommodations" increased by 58.9%.
In the month of March 2024, the highest number of overnight stays was realized:
• by regions in the "Center Region" (65.0%);
• according to areas close to the coast in "Non-coastal Areas" (68.2%);
• according to the type of accommodation structures in "Hotels and similar accommodation" (94.8%).
Net utilization rate
Net utilization rates, of rooms and beds, are two indicators that measure the percentage of utilization of accommodation capacities, rooms and beds available for visitors.
During this month, the occupancy rate of "Hotels and similar accommodations" rooms is 17.3%, compared to 9.6% in March 2023. The occupancy rate of "Hotels and similar accommodations" beds is 17 .6%, against 10.8% that was in March 2023.
*This article was published by and reposted by