Albanian students will be educated against corruption from primary school

The Ministry of Education and Sports and the General Anticorruption Directorate seem to be working together to agree on a special educational curriculum on ethics that applies from primary to secondary schools.
This appears to be a measure related to the fight against corruption according to an explanation made in a separate point of the cross-sectoral strategy Against Corruption 2024-2030 which is under consultation.
"The purpose of this indicator is to measure the level of improvement of young people's education on ethics as an important element of preventing and opposing corruption in the future (anti-corruption curriculum) by comparing it with the number of schools in which the anti-corruption curriculum has been implemented .
For this purpose, the General Anticorruption Directorate in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Sports will prepare and publish a detailed analysis on the number of schools in which the ethics curriculum has been implemented over the last three years, which will be also the base level (baseline) for the implementation of activities in this indicator.
The analysis will also include the type of ethics curriculum and also the challenges and obstacles in their design and implementation," the strategy states.
The document underlines that the analysis that will be carried out by the authorities will serve as a basis for the General Directorate of Anticorruption and the Ministry of Education and Sports to prepare a model ethical curriculum for primary and secondary schools and will take the appropriate measures for their expansion in all schools in the country.
The way to measure this indicator will be, the General Anticorruption Directorate and the Ministry of Education and Sports: - They will collect information on the number of schools where the ethics curriculum has been implemented during reporting
Assessment of the percentage of schools where the ethics curriculum has been implemented during the implementation period against the number of schools in the previous reporting period during the implementation of the ISKK 2024-2030 (cumulative), according to the given formula.
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