
If schools are to open, this will be the new 77-point regulation

If schools are to open, this will be the new 77-point regulation

There is no decision yet on the opening of schools, but the Directorate of Public Health has launched a new regulation with 77 points for educational institutions dedicated only to Covid-19.

The regulation includes details from the entrance to the classroom with a space of 2 meters, to the development of the lesson, the use of separate toilets and to the non-use of unnecessary teaching items. The mask will be mandatory and students with symptoms will notify the caretaker teacher who will verify the health condition with the family doctor.

The only one who will justify the absences is the family doctor. For detailed rules read the entire regulation below.

Full regulation:




One of the important dimensions for the successful opening of schools remains the well-being and protection of children from the infection that brings COVID-19 disease. For this reason we recommend the following:


Entering and leaving the school premises

· The schedule for students entering the school is regulated according to a schedule, drafted by the school directorate and under the monitoring of day / week care teachers.

· Students show up at school by strictly respecting the schedule communicated by their tutor.

· Students enter the school after being placed in a row one by one, at a distance of 2 meters.

· The student who has similar symptoms or fever before coming to school, notifies the caretaker teacher, who, in cooperation with the school doctor or the family doctor verifies whether the student is ill or not.

· The justification of the absence is made only by the family doctor.

· The responsible person of the school staff, appointed by the principal, must perform the assessment for each student as follows:

Të Temperature measurements with digital thermometer;

➢ Spraying with 60% alcohol or other hand disinfectants;

NxënAll students should be checked to have a disposable mask or textile face mask (mask) which should be washed at 60 degrees and ironed, as well as a handkerchief for nasal hygiene;

· If possible, bathtubs / carpets / sponges with active chlorine-based disinfectant solution can be placed to disinfect the soles of shoes before entering the school premises.

· Students are not allowed to leave the building and return to it during the day.

· The door of the school will remain closed, while the windows of the classrooms where the teaching process takes place, will remain open to create the necessary ventilation inside them.

· Only one entry and one exit to the school building is allowed.

· Leaving the school premises will be done according to the rules while maintaining social and physical distance as above (not less than 1.5 meters), under the supervision of caretakers and other school staff. Direction of placing children only in one direction or one direction, one after the other.

· Students who do not comply with this regulation are treated with disciplinary action by the Ethics and Conduct Committee.

Attitude and teaching in the classroom

· During the learning process, the teacher stays in the classroom respecting the social and physical distance with students and other teachers, at 2 meters.

· Inside the classroom, students sit by one student on the bench, and the benches at least 1.5 meters apart. In classes where this is not possible, students will be divided into other classes.

· If the transport of students is carried out by dedicated or public means of transport, masks must be worn throughout the time of transport (round trip) and these means must be strictly subject to the transport guide.

· 9-year primary school students are recommended to wear a mask during school hours.

· 9-year-old elementary school students must wear a mask during extracurricular activities on school premises.

· 9th grade and high school students must wear masks indoors and in all learning activities on school premises.

· Teachers ensure that everyone in the classroom is equipped with a mask and wears it regularly.

· Students are not allowed to leave the classroom during school hours unless they have to use the toilets. In this case the student must be accompanied.

· When possible, practice in the open air (school yard), respecting the distance and the above rules.

· Classroom food is not allowed.

Movements inside the school premises

· The movement of students in classrooms, laboratories, gyms and across corridors should be defined so that each area has the smallest number of individuals moving in it. This means, for example, that students in grade I vetëm will only enter the hall designated for students in this class, will only use the toilet in the hallway where their class is located, without meeting any moment with students in other classes.

Rules for student movement should be posted in classrooms and hallways.

· Waiting in corridors is not allowed.

· Students should keep a minimum distance of at least 1.5 meters from each other when moving in corridors.

· Communication, if necessary, of the student with the principals, secretariat and teaching staff will be carried out through the responsible floor teacher, respecting the social and physical distance and other rules set out above. It can also be by phone or computer, when the student is not in the classroom.

· No unnecessary personal items will be used for the learning process.

· Persons who may be present on the school premises will not be contacted.

Hygiene care

· Students should be made aware and kept in constant communication about the importance of physical distance and personal hygiene in and out of school, through awareness messages distributed by the medical team and the school psycho-social service.

· Students should be told daily about the rules of hygiene, hand washing, coughing, sneezing and wearing a mask.

· Every student at school should wash their hands after any action that may pose a risk of spreading the virus: touching the nose, eyes, mouth, etc.

· Minimize the occasional touching of the mask, take care that during the removal it is performed from the back of the mask as well as the immediate washing of the hands or the use of disinfectants at the end of this process.

· Must be provided by the educational structure: running water, liquid soap, paper towels and gel with 60% alcohol content, in all school facilities.

· During the stay in the school premises, each individual must wear a mask (according to the specification of age groups).

· The windows should be kept open, or at least the classrooms should be ventilated 5-6 times during the lesson.

· Classes should have enough students to allow a distance of not less than 1.5 meters from one student to another. Meetings and face-to-face meetings on school premises are prohibited.

· If the student manifests a state of stress and anxiety, he / she addresses the school psycho-social service through the caretaker teacher and the online "Psychologist Corner" at DRAP.

· No more students should stay in a classroom or laboratory room than they can stay in that environment while respecting social and physical distance.

· Activities in the school, sports and artistic facilities should be performed in groups of no more than 10 people and maintaining physical distance.

· Posters on COVID-19 infection prevention posters and posters with clear and simple messages should be posted on all school premises.

· Place special posters on how to wash your hands and hold the mask.

· At the entrance and exit of the school premises, it is recommended to install a hand sanitizer in the form of a solution with active alcohol content of 60%, which should be present at all times.

· Carry out disinfection of each class, every day. After the completion of the teaching process, clean the surfaces and furniture with disinfectants.

· Disinfection of indoor and outdoor school facilities should be performed after the teaching process 2 times a week

· Only students or parents (in the case of primary school students) who will sign the regulation on preventing the spread of COVID-19 will be admitted to the school premises.

· Before resuming schooling according to the new regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, students must complete the Self-Declaration Form for their health situation and that of their family members, which serves to investigate in advance the possibility of a foci of COVID-19 infection.

· Students who do not follow the regulations, are treated sparingly according to the school regulations.


· The teacher shows up at the school at the time set by the directorate, before the students arrive.

· Day / week care teachers show up at school at the hour set by the school directorate.

· The school medical staff (school doctor / nurse), or school staff appointed by the principal and trained for the following actions, performs the following procedure for each student:

- Measures the temperature with a digital thermometer.

- Spray disinfectant solution with 70% alcohol content on the hands of students and staff.

- Checks if each student is equipped with a mask.

· The teacher wears a mask and disinfectant solutions during official hours.

· During the lesson, the teacher stays in the classroom respecting the social and physical distance with the students.

· The primary education teacher leaves the institution only when his / her class ends the teaching process.

· The AMU and AML teacher leaves the institution only with the approval of the school director.



· Support staff arrive at the educational institution at the time determined by the school directorate.

· Sanitary workers to wear disinfectant mask and solutions during all working hours.

· Corridors are cleaned every two hours.

· Toilets are cleaned and disinfected every 30 minutes.

· The water tanks that the school may have, are chlorinated according to the relevant instructions every day.

Door and window handles of any classroom and work environment as well as stair railings and other places are cleaned and disinfected as often as possible.

· Leaving the educational institution is done after the completion of cleaning and disinfection of any of its facilities.

· Performs all tasks respecting social and physical distance with students and teachers.

Institution guard / security officer

· The presentation in the educational institution is done at the time determined by the school directorate.

· The security guard / officer should wear a mask, gloves and disinfectant solutions during all working hours.

· The guard does not allow the presence of parents and any other individual inside the institution (except for students and declared staff of the educational institution).

· Any request for communication with the head of the institution should be made through the contact number of the director or management staff.

· Performs all tasks respecting social and physical distance with students and teachers and sanitation.


· Signs or confirms electronically to the teacher or caretaker teacher this regulation.

· Completes the daily self-declaration form with responsibility for the child's health condition in the contact number of the caretaker teacher.

· In case of need for communication with the teacher, the principal uses electronic communication and in the planned cases face to face meetings.

· In cases of accompanying the child / children to school, he / she is not included in the school environment for any reason he / she may present.


· Establish working groups and draft action plans for managing the situation, guaranteeing standards and respecting the rules set out in this regulation.

· Monitor the equipping of students and staff with protective equipment, such as: mask, disinfectant gel for personal use (if possible).

· Maintain contacts, through electronic communication, with the local self-government unit, the child protection unit, the Public Health structures, the State Police and other law enforcement bodies for the progress of the teaching process.

· For any child who presents with health problems, such as fever, etc., or is notified by the parent, has had contact with someone affected by COVID-19 and if the parent is ill or has had contact with COVID-19 immediately notifies the Local Health Care Unit (LUU) and the relevant structure in these units.

· For any teacher or other school staff who presents health problems such as. temperature rise etc. or has a report that he / she has had contact with someone affected by COVID-19 immediately notifies the Local Health Care Unit (LUU) and the relevant structure in these units.

· Heads of educational institutions must strictly follow the risk control protocol approved by the health authorities.

We reserve the right to re-evaluate the elements of this guide in the event of COVID-19 epidemiological changes.