The story of the woman from Shkodra and why we cannot say that the mother killed herself and her children

A woman decided to sacrifice herself together with her three children. The woman's decision has divided the network, but what everyone agrees on is that there should be a national strategy for violence against women.
What prompts a mother to take her three children with her?
Domestic violence, betrayal, threat of divorce? Are these reasons enough to end one's life and to take three children, 9, 8 and 3 years old, with them to this act.
No. No reason justifies the act except for the aggravated emotional and psychological state.
What are the theories of psychologists... why does it happen?
Medea's Syndrome has been known since antiquity: harming children in order to take revenge on one's partner.
Two words for Medea - to understand the situation
Medea betrayed her family for Jason and ran away with him. He later betrayed her and Medea killed the two sons with the excuse: I would rather kill them by my own hand than by my stepmother's or anyone else's. The act is explained as revenge against the man to hurt him where it hurts the most.
Of course, in depressed conditions when you see no way out, anything can happen.
What did the relatives say?
Until now, neighbors of the couple have spoken, saying that there was violence in the family, against the wife and children.
While relatives of the husband of the family say:
"We are hurt and shocked, we do not forgive the bride for the fatal decision she took by taking the life of herself and her three children. Ergysi had a weakness for children, he never mistreated them. He worked all day in a cell phone store to send them to private schools. The couple recently had arguments and Alma was taking medicine at the neighborhood clinic for a serious emotional condition, but we couldn't even imagine this decision," said one of the family members.
Did the woman have help?
It is said that she was taking medication against depression, that her father sent her from Italy, but can depression be cured only with medication, in an environment of violence?
Her husband appeared cold when the dead body of the 9-year-old girl was found.
Where is he now?
He is currently under arrest on the charge of "causing suicide".
What measures can be taken against him and how much punishment does he risk?
According to the provision of the law, causing suicide is punishable by 3-7 years.
Are the lives lost by paying off this sentence?
Shouldn't there be more attention to family members in serious condition, even if you are not the cause of that condition?
Who helped the young mother of three get through this situation? Did someone tell him: You have me.
And above all, can we say today that she killed herself along with her children?