What would Vilma Dule say to the executioner who attacked her with acid today, if she were facing him?

Few can remember the date, the period, but everyone surely remembers the story, how a young girl, full of dreams, energy and big plans, was attacked with acid while walking down the stairs of the palace in Tirana, to go to work. The media wrote a lot at that time. Not everything was true.
11 years later, Vilma Dule recounts her story, her experiences, her great challenges and the fight she managed to win. Does she know who wanted her harm and what she would say to them today if she were to face them?
"I don't like the titles criminal or victim, I like people, persons. I have created an association today with which I help, raise awareness against violence against women and raise awareness for a culture of empathy that we must have with each other, because empathy is a common thread that connects us. Empathy is me putting myself in your shoes, understanding your story, having compassion for you. I don't look at that boy, who was no more than 25 years old, I don't look at him as a criminal. He was a victim, but as much as I was a victim in those moments. A victim of a culture of violence, where we teach others that violence is the solution. Where we normalize violence. Where we hide violence under the carpet. I'm sorry. I just want to tell him that I feel sorry for you. That it must be very painful if he has a soul, to hear those screams that I let out that day. They are like those siren echoes that deafen anyone with a conscience. I just want to tell him that I am fine and not to worry about me. I just pray that he doesn't do this to anyone else. I have always asked myself. How much could he have been paid? For example, 500 euros, 600 euros. How much is my life worth? No matter how much they paid, it's not worth it. It's not worth the trouble, when they tell him," said Vilma Dule.
You can find the full conversation with him, the inspiring story, on YouTube.