What is the age when divorces peak in Albania, according to the Census?

In 2023, the population and housing census found over 34,000 people in the country with divorced status.
Divorces by age group show that most divorces peak in the 40-50 age group (see table and graph below).
The majority of the population of 54.9% is married, 36.6% single, while 7.0% of the population is widowed and 1.4% divorced or separated.
Marital status is related in various ways to people's health, childbearing, labor force participation, and general well-being, and is an important variable in the analysis of demographic and social change.
Also, referring to the divorced or separated population, women make up 58.9%, while in the population that has never married (single), 55.7% are men, this percentage is higher and due to the later average age of their marriage.
A gender parity can be observed for the married population. However, by analyzing the gender and age distribution of the married population, a higher percentage of women in the younger age groups is observed, due to the earlier age of their marriage.
The data show that, up to the age of 30, the percentage of single individuals is higher. After the age of 30 to 85, the percentage of married people increases, reaching a peak of about 88% in the 45-64 age group. After the age of 65 and above, the percentage of widowed individuals increases significantly.
In 2020, Albania had 6.16 marriages per thousand inhabitants, almost twice the European Union average rate of 3.2.
In Albania, in 2020, 1.5 divorces per thousand inhabitants were registered.
In the Region, Albania took first place. Kosovo has the lowest divorce rate in the region, with 0.5 per thousand inhabitants, and Montenegro has the highest after us, with 1.3.
Kosovo has the lowest divorce rate in all of Europe. Kosovo also holds the record for marriages in Europe, with 9.8 marriages per thousand inhabitants (year 2019).
*This article was published by Monitor.al and reposted by Tiranapost.al