
'It's not a shame to go to a psychologist'. Dafina Zeqiri means this with songs

'It's not a shame to go to a psychologist'. Dafina Zeqiri means

Dafina Zeqiri is an important voice in terms of mental health problems and treatment. He has always spoken openly about himself and this time he has not hesitated to call on all followers that it is not a shame to go to a psychologist, to talk about mental health problems and especially to say "I do not want".

'It's not a shame to go to a psychologist'. Dafina Zeqiri means

"It is not 'body' to go to a psychologist. It is not 'shame' to talk about anxiety and depression! It is not 'shame' to be yourself and not to be provoked by people who do not respect you for who you are! It is not 'shame' to say I DON'T WANT! "And he told me if anyone abused you."

Attached to the message Dafina adds the hashtag #Duro which apparently should be the title of her new project.

'It's not a shame to go to a psychologist'. Dafina Zeqiri means

The singer from Kosovo has always spoken openly about herself, personal love stories, family and difficult relationship with her father, or even about problems with depression.