Noizy a message for fans, friends, justice, but especially Kosovo and Albania: In absence some love shines brighter

With his real name, Rigels, in simple and heartfelt words, Noizy has made the first public reaction after he managed to regain his freedom.
I start the message for fans and friends who did not abandon him, but on the contrary. They created a campaign for his release.
After a fight in a nightclub in Peja where he was singing and the inclusion of his name in it, Kosovo requested the arrest and extradition of Noizy, a request that was interpreted as exaggerated, as it is only done in cases of serious criminal events .
However, Noizy in his status does not even hold a grudge against Kosovo as he writes:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone.
In absence some love shines brighter. Thank you to my best fans in the world, my friends, my colleagues, for giving me
heart in this difficult time.
I will not forget it Never! Thank you for your
patience and love for me.
I will work harder to repay you.
Two words for you who have read so many titles and comments about me these two weeks art and business, and neither of them
has anything to do with justice.
I expect and respect the institutions of justice of my country and of Kosovo,
I will continue to make music for Albanians and my fans everywhere in the world, but I want to underline that no one
can stop me from singing to my nation, which is a part of Kosovo, which I always have in my heart
Thank you,
Rigelsi", writes Noizy.