The two divorces that have left a mark on Xhensila Myrtezaj's life

Xhensila Myrtezaj has opened her heart for the first time on "Mirembrëma Yje" with Arbana Osmani. She has spoken about the sensational separation from Besi, but also about the separation of her parents in those years. She has compared the two divorces that have marked her life, both difficult. Both decisions made by women. Only with the difference that in the case of her mother, her father's refusal to separate from her mother has caused Xhensila perhaps the darkest memory of her life.
About the separation from Besi…
"I had to take it as a step, because I saw no other solution, no possible solution. Divorce is not easy for anyone, nor is it something that you anticipate happening or want. Some steps, no matter how difficult they are in life, you have to find the strength to take them. I found the strength in my children, in what I wanted my children to have in the future..."
About the separation of parents…
"I remember it, of course. It was much more traumatic, it's a terribly difficult period of my life, but maybe it's time to say it... I know why I love my mom so much and I appreciate her, but at the same time I also judge her for not having the opportunity to end that marriage before what my eyes saw happened...
"My father refused to give me a divorce from my mother and my mother is the case of that woman who was stabbed seven times and lost one of her hands. All this was an act that was done in front of my eyes. I saw my mother being killed for this decision and I have always kept this secret very well and I don't know why I said it, because I don't want to hurt my father either," said Jensila.