
Alma Bektashi tells why it was impossible to remain friends with her ex-husband after the separation

Alma Bektashi tells why it was impossible to remain friends with her ex-husband

Alma Bektashi, in a true confession in the ZemeMira Podcast, has told about her long divorce, the betrayal she faced, why she did not compromise and especially why she could not maintain friendly relations with her ex-husband.

"In my case it is very difficult to deal with a narcissist, with a man who only loves himself," said Alma Bektashi.

"I also have many friends who are rich, they know what their husbands do, but they don't want to lose the yacht, they don't want to lose the villa, the luxury vacations, and they decide to destroy themselves to stay in that relationship.

And they say 'we do it for the children'. No. It is a sin to mention the children at this time. Children have their own lives and you can't play this card because children grow up healthy too

I'm a role model for my girl not because I'm separated, but because I show my girl that she needs to set boundaries, because you're important and no one dares to step on you.

I did not raise Anisa with Sleeping Beauty, nor with Cinderella. I didn't say 'mom you have to sleep for 100 years, oops the prince comes to kiss you and say this is your castle.

No. Anisa grew up with Mulan, Anisa grew up with Brave," said Alma.