A new drug has raised hopes that dementia can be fought. Scientists say the drug reduces cognitive decline, one of the main characteristics of Alzheimer's.
The antibody drug helps in the early stages of the disease by clearing a protein that builds up in the brains of people with this type of dementia.
Although not yet a cure, charities say the results, published in the journal JAMA, mark a new era in how Alzheimer's can be treated.
In the United Kingdom the drug is being evaluated for possible use.
The drug works only in Alzheimer's disease, not in other types of dementia.
In trials, it appears to have slowed the pace of the disease by about a third, allowing people to remember more of life and perform everyday tasks more efficiently, such as preparing meals and enjoying a hobby. .
Mike Colley, who is 80, is one of only a few dozen patients in the UK to take part in the global trial. He and his family spoke exclusively to the BBC.
Mike receives an infusion every month at a clinic in London and says he is 'one of the luckiest people'.
Mike and his family noticed that he had problems with memory and decision making.
His son, Mark, said it was very difficult to watch at first: "Seeing him struggle with processing information and solving problems was very difficult."
Donanemab, i prodhuar nga Eli Lilly, funksionon në të njëjtën mënyrë si lecanemab - i zhvilluar nga kompanitë Eisai dhe Biogen.
Edhe pse jashtëzakonisht premtuese, këto barna nuk janë trajtime pa efekte anësore.
Ënjtja e trurit ishte një efekt anësor i zakonshëm në deri në një të tretën e pacientëve në provën e donanemabit. Për shumicën, kjo u zgjidh pa shkaktuar simptoma. Megjithatë tre vullnetarë vdiqën si pasojë e ënjtjes në tru.
Në provën e donanemabit, studiuesit ekzaminuan 1,736 njerëz të moshës 60 deri në 85 vjeç me Alzheimer në fazën e hershme.
Gjysma e tyre morën një infuzion mujor të trajtimit dhe gjysmës tjetër iu dha një ilaç i rremë, i njohur gjithashtu si placebo, mbi 18 muaj.
Gjetjet tregojnë:
Ilaçi duket se ka një përfitim domethënës, të paktën për disa pacientë.
Those who had earlier disease and less brain amyloid at baseline derived greater benefit, in terms of clearance seen on brain scans.
The rate of the disease, judged by what people could still do each day, slowed by about 20-30% overall.
The drug's effects may be modest, but the results provide further confirmation that removing amyloid from the brain can reverse the course of Alzheimer's and help people affected by this devastating disease if treated in time.