Some reasons why you should start your day with water and lemon

For many people, the way they start the day becomes decisive for its continuity.
Someone can't resist hunger and head into the fridge, for many others coffee is the queen of the morning, even though they know that after a period of "sleep" the organism needs to wake up.
For this reason, water is the best and most beneficial drink for the body, especially in these summer days when the body needs more hydration.
These are some of the main reasons why you should start your day with water and lemon:
Facilitates digestion
Lemon juice stimulates the liver to produce more bile, an acid very important for the digestion process. According to the American Cancer Society, all patients with colitis should start their day with lemon juice.
Cleanses the organism
The best way to eliminate toxins from the body is through urine. Citric acid in lemon not only stimulates the frequent production of urine. It also improves the function of liver enzymes, bringing about its detoxification.
Increases the action of the immune system
Lemon is rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) that strengthens the action of the immune system, creating a barrier that keeps various infections away. When you drink lemon water your body absorbs a lot of iron, an important ingredient that boosts metabolic activity.
Restores the balance of pH levels
Although lemon has acidic content, it turns alkaline by restoring the balance of pH levels in the body by eliminating its excess acidity.
Cleanses the skin
Vitamin C and lemon citric acid are among the irreplaceable beauty allies for every woman. You can use lemon to make a scrub, mask against black spots, brown spots on the face, but also on different parts of it.
It helps to lose weight
Antioxidants, vitamin C and citric acid combined with ginger or cinnamon detoxify the body and melt fat in the area around the belly. brown spots on the face, but also in different parts of it.