The results of the elections in Kosovo are not yet certified, the CEC decides to recount 50 ballot boxes.

The Central Election Commission of Kosovo decided this Monday to recount 50 ballot boxes following the recommendation of the Electoral Operations Council. CEC member Arianit Elshani explained that in 15 polling stations, discrepancies were found between signatures and ballots, which led to the decision for a full recount for all political entities.
The CEC Secretariat, through Besnik Buzhala, confirmed that the recount process could begin immediately at 4:00 PM, if the final decision is made by the CEC. After a vote of 9 in favor, the recount was officially approved.
Regarding the 177 ballot boxes from outside Kosovo, Buzhala explained that the deadline for appeals to the Supreme Court is awaited. If there are no delays, the opening and evaluation of these boxes will begin on Tuesday after the end of the legal deadline, or at the latest on Wednesday morning.