
Kosovo elects new parliament today! Everything you need to know

Kosovo elects new parliament today! Everything you need to know

Kosovo is holding parliamentary elections today. Around 1 million 971 thousand resident citizens with the right to vote have the opportunity to go to the ballot boxes in 941 polling centers throughout Kosovo.

Over 125,000 people will vote for the first time. 104,924 voters were registered from the diaspora, whose voting period has now closed.

There are 28 political entities in the race with around 1,280 candidates for MPs. The Vetëvendosje Movement, PDK, LDK and AAK also have candidates for prime minister.

Voting centers will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. According to the CEC decision, 1,752,650 ballots have been printed, of which 1,664,100 for voting at regular polling stations; 28,450 for conditional voting; 38,650 for voting by persons with special needs and as reserve ballots; and 21,450 for voting at diplomatic missions.

According to the CEC, 323,218 or 15.57% fewer ballots were printed than the number of voters. This is a practice followed by the CEC in past electoral processes.

Each voter has the right to choose one party and up to ten candidates for deputies. Based on the new electoral law, votes will be counted at counting centers in each municipality, which will allow the preliminary results of political parties and the distribution of seats in the Assembly to be known by midnight.