The "Ibrahim Hima" school in Tirana will be rebuilt from scratch

The citizens of Prushi, as one of the most industrial areas of Tirana, in addition to its investments and residential development, will have their new school, with modern conditions. The head of the Municipality of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, said that the "Ibrahim Hima" school will be a "point of gravity" for the whole community. It will be built three times larger than the existing one, thus comparing the standard of schools in the center with those of the suburbs.
"If there were Olympic medals for new schools, the Municipality of Tirana would definitely be the winner. We have built over 44 new schools. Today we go to a totally modern school, like all other schools. As we did "Bedri Llagami", so we will do the "Ibrahim Hima" school. We will go from a school built in the 60s, that is 64 years ago, to a school with the standards of 2024", said Veliaj.
For the Mayor, the support of the silent majority is always what moves projects forward for the city. Veliaj said that he does not care at all about the minority that makes noise.
"I'm interested in the silent majority, not the minority that makes noise and leaves the yacht on vacation, to come and protest and say that banal refrain: 'We love it where it was, as it was.' Where it was definitely, but many times bigger and many times more beautiful. As with the principle of the theater, where it was, but something ultra modern, so also for the school. It will be built where it is, but much more modern, with a larger area, with dignified facilities, not with the furnace that serves personal needs, not with the brambles that surround the school, without sports areas. Where it was, but many times bigger, many times more beautiful and many times stronger", he emphasized.
While thanking the residents of the area, the mayor asked for their understanding, regarding the need for expropriation, to pave the way for a project with quality standards, which according to him, will increase the value of the property and will be the "icing on the cake". for the community of the Prushi area.
"We have a need for expropriation. We will ask for understanding and we will pay the citizens, according to the law and the reference prices. As you saw, the land is barren, so we will not spoil anyone's balance. It is not that that land was inhabited, cultivated or worked. This means that we have this opportunity, which comes to us once in a century, to do the school right. We will build a school with three floors, we go from 450 to over 2500 square meters of surface area. We will have a gym, which will be by the main road of Prush, which connects Prush with Brokaj. The bottom line is: We will make this sacrifice considering that the dream that is being realized here and the project will be something worth it, it is worth the sacrifice, effort and all the patience of the wonderful citizens of Prush, to whom I want to thank with all my heart ", said Veliaj.
Veliaj considered the construction of the new school as a fantastic opportunity for all parents who want to enroll their children in sports courses and encourage a healthy lifestyle.
"It will be the access to the gym, right next to the road, so that regardless of school hours or Saturday and Sunday, holidays or summer days, there will be access to the gym and the sports field that we will do back, to encourage a healthy life. A team game and children who stay in one environment, they don't go out on the streets, they don't hang out in cafes and bars, but they stay in the school premises, not only to learn, but also to be physically fit and to being part of a team, and who knows, maybe the next medals will come from Vaqarri", said the mayor.
The existing school "Ibrahim Hima" will be completely reconstructed and its place will be taken by a school with an area almost 5 times larger, with increased, tripled facilities, with a new gym, with recreational halls, multifunctional hall and facilities other outdoor sports, in function of the children of this area.