
Berisha warns of SPAK dissolution if he comes to power: We will extinguish it at all costs

Berisha warns of SPAK dissolution if he comes to power: We will extinguish it at

Sali Berisha has warned that the Special Prosecution Office will be dissolved if the Democratic Party comes to power. Berisha made the statements during a rally held in front of SPAK, where he appeared within the framework of the security measure imposed by the GJKKO.

"The same fate will befall the gangs and the prosecutors who are connected to them. This institution will absolutely not exist. I regret that it has been hijacked by the moments, but an institution that is beyond any control is an institution that must be abolished at all costs. First, this institution could never control the judges. From the moment you control the phones of the special judges, you have created a justice that not even Enver and Hitler had. How can you give the prosecutor control over the judges to whom he takes the file? It ends here, that's it. You, media people, must denounce this in the strongest possible way," Berisha said.

"It is not the pseudo-police who lead me. Those who sleep on crime, they must be investigated as criminals. By this I do not mean every employee of this institution, as there are those who enforce the law and will remain honorable," Berisha concluded.