They don't want to get married and are having less sex! Why young people are becoming anti-romantic

There is evidence of a growing political, cultural and social divide between men and women throughout the industrialized world," writes Nicholas Kristof for the New York Times.
As young people move to the right politically, they are becoming "angrier at the success of women and more drawn to conservative authoritarian populists."
“A window into gender tensions is a viral TikTok meme in which women discuss whether they'd rather hang out in the woods with a bear or a man. Most choose the bear.”
Young people are not only getting married less, they are also having less sex. Traditionally, the elderly worried that the young would be too promiscuous; but now we are more concerned about youth singleness.
Maybe this gender divide will be reversed and fixed. Or maybe, as some of those women commenters suggested, it's not a problem, or it's only a problem for men. But a survey reveals that young men and women across the Western world are deeply dissatisfied and seem increasingly not to be looking for a "partner".
To me, the underlying problem is men's struggle to adapt to a world in which the body is less important than brains, education and emotional intelligence.
I worry that gender friction may increase and add tension to modern life, leaving more people to face the world alone, with no one to lean on and provide long-term comfort. I fear I am a romantic in a world that is becoming less romantic, writes Kristof.