"Don't let it happen": Orwell's prophetic last words on the madness of the modern world

In one of his last interviews, from the bed that he rarely left due to illness, George Orwell, the famous writer and author of the book "1984", makes some warnings that are ... scary.
Some of the last words of the great writer, about how he envisioned the modern world are well known, but in this interview, one of the last of his life, he has summarized them all in one place.
Here is what Orwell said to the interviewer:
"Actually, something similar to what I wrote in 1984 could happen. This is the direction the world is going at the moment. In our world, there will be no emotions at all except fear, anger, triumph and self-abasement.
The sexual instinct will be eradicated, there will be no loyalty except loyalty to the party.
There will always be the intoxication of power, at every moment there will be the exhilaration of victory, the feeling of trampling underfoot an enemy who is hopeless.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot pressed over a human face, forever.
The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is very simple: Don't let it happen!
It's up to you!”
originally published on bota.al