Men and misogyny? The Big Brother women are taking it upon themselves to blackmail each other and those who follow them out of the house

Street! Keep yourself, be a woman! Look at the lover! Mom's chick! Lilliput!
They are not taken from any slang dictionary, they are taken directly from "the most famous house in Albania". The Big Brother house is full of famous, beautiful, well-dressed, well-groomed girls and women that you enjoy looking at, but unfortunately not listening to. Beyond the frilly dresses, the strong make-up, the embellishment of the look, inside we are like a black-and-white photo, stuck in time.
Since it started, they are in a fierce verbal war with each other of the type "What are you" and "what am I". Needless to say, Big Brother is a game of nerves, obviously, but especially in this edition the girls are taking care to make it harder for each other by stripping themselves.
That we often say men and misogyny, but aren't these girls prejudging, insulting and verbally abusing each other themselves?
The problem is not with the proper names of the protagonists, - which since they are girls, we are not mentioning them. They have chosen their path and put things on the line. There are screen girls, some with less and some with more popularity.
The problem is with those who listen to them. The problem is how the most watched program in the country risks increasing prejudices, and instead of breaking taboos, it is proving that we are a society in regression.
V1: I don't know what men you've been with that haven't received love in your life
V2: I have a child and I did it with love.
V1: Are you with the child's father today?
V2: What does it matter? Why are you, whose parents are divorced, without love?
V1: No, because my parents are not married to the visitor.
V – it's not for Vip, let's face it. It is for "girls".
This is not a dialogue that marks only the girls in question, but all those children who are being raised by single mothers, from separated parents, and also all those girls who are still forced to marry the goer. It is like telling them that the children they are raising, they have done without love.
Or another dialogue:
Girl - To the boy who likes: You danced with the one who danced half of the globe.
And even if, what then? Does television have ethics, if not humanity is lost? Should there be filters, that not everything that is thought should be said? Does anyone take responsibility for these statements or do we talk for an hour in prime time, let them fight even worse and the program was done!!!
What is happening in this edition does not herald spectacle, scandals and shocks, tears of pain and joy, a vip that breaks taboos and kills a mentality with sincerity, with history, with courage. A violent, arrogant and especially dishonest communication. No girl or boy today deserves public sympathy. Too bad!
It's certainly not easy to find VIPs that offer the progression, but up until this point we hadn't seen one
Nočja, Adelajda, Einxhel, Beatrix, and many other girls from past editions have shown dignity, each according to their own character