Nën lupën e Stela Sallakut

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to dress stylishly for the winter holidays

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

We all like to spend our winter holidays somewhere in a snowy place.

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

I visited one of the snowy mountain places for years, but it did not make me want to ski. I'm not good at sports, but I'm a fan of clothing and all the snow accessories.

If there is one person who is a professional skier and knows how to combine well even when temperatures are below zero, they are Scandinavians. They are accustomed to the cold weather early on and are not even impressed by the frosts.

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Që të mos mbash kapuç gjatë gjithë kohës, berretat prej pelushi janë akoma më të bukura dhe më me stil. Sidomos kur i kombinoni me dizajnet e palltove me kuadrate.

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Nëse të trembin xhupat me pupla, sepse të duken pa formë, ka dy versione shumë më interesante për t’i zëvendësuar. Njëri është dizenjuar nga Prada dhe tjetri mund të jetë i çfardoshëm, ama të dy kanë rrip beli. Madje shumë nga vajzat e Instagramit i kanë kombinuar edhe me fustane.

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Të duhet një çantë me pelush, nga ato të mëdhatë me dy rripa (tote), në një nga ngjyrat dominante. Bën contrast të lezetshëm me palltot e zeza ose ato nude.

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Meqë jemi tek sezoni i lejlasë, zgjidh një xhup lejla dhe kombinoje me aksesorë portokalli.

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Do not neglect the ski goggles, because they must have a protective filter and fit the rest of the outfit. If you are into black, choose glasses in one of the shades of orange or blue.

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to

Fashion girls left their heels and put on their ski boots. Here's how to