What is the name of a beautifully dressed 30-year-old today! Here are some rules

But who are some of the most stylish 30-year-olds today, who care about the look but also about the skin, hair and well-being in general? There may be many, but we chose these today. Maybe someone inspires you.
David Gandy, 39
Ahmed Rice, 37
Donald Glover, 35
Eddie Redmayne, 38
These gentlemen have something in common, except the style which is personal and different for everyone. The white shirt and black suit are never missing in the wardrobes of the cured 30-year-olds. But besides them, there are some other details.
1- Një çantë e mirë për punë
Mund të zgjedhësh një Bottega Veneta, nëse je tipi, por edhe nëse nuk do të guxosh kaq shumë, ke plot opsione më të thjeshta. Mjafton të heqësh dorë nga çanta poliestër e laptopit që ke pasur qëkur ishe student.
2- Aromë luksi
Njerëzit mund të harrojnë ç’ke veshur, por nuk do t’iu dalë nga mendja aroma e parfumit. Zgjidh një që të pëlqen, nuk është e thënë të jetë si ata aromatizuesit e makinave. Por një Tom Ford do të të shkonte.
3- Kujdesi për lëkurën
Kur vjen puna tek kremërat, shumica i neglizhojnë, ose harrojnë. Një hidratues dhe një krem me faktor mbrojtës ndaj diellit, nuk duhet të mungojë në tualetin e një zotërie.
4- Cashmere
Material of the rich. It costs more to maintain than the initial price. But it is worth every penny.
5- Glasses
You also know that you need a pair of glasses. Maybe you have been looking for a long time. Do not buy them cheap. You will have them with you all the time, find a comfortable and stylish pair.
6- Coat
Do not buy cheap coats. Never. One thing, but be cashmere with the best quality you can afford.
7- Black suit (two or even three)
Well, do not overdo it with three if you do not have the opportunity. But if you do office work where you have to meet people constantly, buy. He even gets a squared blue. A good suit is said to help in those awkward meetings in front of an angry group of investors.