Nën lupën e Stela Sallakut

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

I have always been a partisan of comfortable clothing on long flights. For myself I have always preferred to wear tracksuits, not from the gym ones, but Pacsun, Adidas or Calvin Klein. T-shirts and blouses with a hood or sometimes a sweatshirt.

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

Ama ndonjëherë nuk dua të vesh thjesht diçka të rehatshme, por edhe me stil. Larg UGGS dhe larg veshjeve sportive. Kostume me xhaketë dhe pantallona 'flared', 'culottes' ose laps më kanë shoqëruar shpesh nëpër aeroporte. Patjetër zgjedh gjithnjë materiale që nuk mbajnë rrudhë. Këtë herë dola paksa nga korniza e veshjeve të aeroportit. Saqë një vajzë, që po priste me mua të hapej porta hyrëse për në avion, duke më parë nga koka tek këmbët, më pyeti, “Më falni, a do vonohemi dhe shumë? Kur nisemi? Jeni co-pilot apo jo?”

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

How I was confused with the pilot at the airport because of the unusual dress

Shapkat e zeza lëkurë i kombinova me çorape J.Crew të kuqe. Pantallonat blu, jelekt me kuadrate blu, këmishë të bardhë dhe kravatë. U ndjeva komode fillimisht për faktin se u ndjeva vetja me veshje smart-casual. Pastaj, edhe sa herë shihesha në pasqyrë, kishte një rregullsi tek çdo detaj.

You also wear overalls, especially in winter when you can barely warm up to altitudes above 10,000m. Even takes a nap watching movie. But sometimes ama ...