Mancini's look secrets and passion for fashion shows

You have all heard of 'Sprezzatura' , Italian style art in sartori dress matters.
The intentional combination of classic elements with something ultramodern, is something that has
more to do with architecture than with fashion. But it is also an important approach even in
fashion. The concrete example is the harmonization of the sartorial suit with a modern sports watch.
And, now, the king of this approach is the coach of the Italian national team, Roberto Mancini.
He has already amazed us with his designed Armani jacket, very light gray seersucker
(kind of piece), which he usually combines with a white shirt and blue tie. Now,
look at his wrist and you will see the bold futuristic design of an
Richard Mille RM 11-04 automatic chronograph .
It is no coincidence that his avant-garde combination of accessories with the rest of the outfit.
It's not casual for any Italian, in fact. And no one
understands this better than we Albanians . Whether we like it or not, the Italians have taught us, indirectly
or directly, how to dress nicely and tastefully. In fact not only us, Milanese fashion has made a fuss
up in New York and beyond.
Veshja e tij në natën finale të Euro 2020, i bëri përshtypje dhe kanalit ESPN, të cilët e lanë për
pak çaste emocionin e ndeshjes dhe u përqëndruan tek qepja perfeksioniste e dizajnerit Italian. Dhe më besoni kur them që Amerikanëve nuk ju bie në sy veshja e dikujt (haha).
Italianët nuk e tregojnë kurrë moshën e tyre. A ju duket Roberto Mancini njësoj si një moshatar
i tij 56 vjeçar? Veshja luan rol kryesor, por edhe kujdesi i vazhdueshëm për vete, krehja e
flokëve sipas modës, madje edhe lyerja (ashtu si me lezet). Në fund të fundit, nuk është mëkat
të kujdesesh për vete!
Roberto Mancini është nga të paktët trajnerë (ose i vetmi), që ka çantë plazhi nga Christian Dior.
From what was fashionable years (and continues to make a fuss). Just like a fashion influencer. He has even been invited many times to fashion shows, in the front row together with VIPs and
bloggers. Close friend with smart-casual style, and with the concept of clash of prints.
"Roberto sets the clock like all of us every morning. Carefully he leaves the
belt a little cheaper to look even with shirts, which creates a delightful combination. "The issue is
not what you wear, but how you wear it", writes GQ magazine.
The uniforms designed by Giorgio Armani for the staff of the Italian national team, are by no means
casual, but tributes to the famous coach of 1982, Enzo Bearzot.