The first pioneers to produce clothing that does not harm the environment

2020 was the year in which the fight for environmental protection became fashionable. As the coronavirus gained ground in our vocabulary, terms such as 'durability', 'upcycling' or 'recycling' began to appear associated not only with luxury brands, but also with ordinary clothing. Some brands decided to implement new sustainable processes and accelerate those they had already planned for a long time.
Vivienne Westwood turned 80 on April 8 and for 50 years revolutionized fashion. Because, before cycling was considered the “miracle” that would save the industry, it had already done so.
In 1981, the British stylist put her first collection on the catwalk, although her work already had a huge impact in the UK thanks to her close relationship with the punk movement. Her London boutique at 430 King's Road - which she opened with Malcolm McLaren (still open today) - was like a Mecca for the marginalized youth of the time, who found it in Westwood-designed clothing.
Many years have passed since then and until now, but the stylist's attitude towards the fashion business and the world has not changed. Together with her husband, Andreas Kronthaler, Westwood has made the fight against environmental protection one of the pillars of her work.
Throughout her career, Vivienne has raised her voice against global warming, world poverty, lack of freedom of speech and Brexit, but not only that. She is the queen of punk fashion, determined to follow her own rules and put an end to the mechanisms of a world she does not consider right.
After presenting her collection for this season, the tireless stylist and activist commented that the goal of her brand was to produce only one collection a year, something very much in line with her sustainable horizons. Through a statement, the organic origin of cotton in their t-shirts was explained and the reduced environmental impact of all their garments was mentioned. It is clear, then, that the Westwood revolution continues.
Stella McCartney
Dizajnerja britanike, e cila këtë vit feston 20 vjetorin e markës së saj, markë e cila ka qenë partizane e mbrojtjes së mjedisit dhe riciklimit në modë.
Ruajtja e biodiversitetit dhe ruajtja e ekuilibrit të natyrës për të shmangur sëmundjet, aq sa është e mundur, ndryshimet klimatike, janë disa nga sfidat më urgjente me të cilat përballet industria e luksit në epokën pas-COVID. 19. Përgjatë historisë, fauna dhe flora kanë qenë gjithmonë një burim frymëzimi i përjetshëm për modën. Fatkeqsisht prodhimi i pakontrolluar i veshjeve ndikon negativisht në ekosistemet.
Twenty years ago we inaugurated a new decade with little or no worries in mind. However, as is usually the case, since then there have been prominent voices determined to go against the flow. Stella McCartney (London, 1971) has always been free. The British designer envisioned new consumer habits and laid the foundations for an ethical, profitable and sustainable business model through her brand.
Stela Sallaku /