For the 'Dior '23-'24 men's collection, Kim Jones turns to Yves Saint Laurent

By Stela Sallaku/ All the fashion-followers and fashion-lovers lined up yesterday to receive the Dior men's winter '23-'24 collection. The physical invitation went to a lucky group, while we, the majority, were glued to the mobile screen to follow it live. The invitation began like this: "Christian Dior would like to invite you..." (Christian Dior wants to invite you...). In fact, the invitation is brought by marketing and the collection is created by Kim Jones, but here Mr. Dior still extends his hand from the other world , to help with the marketing of Kim's clothes. If Dior wasn't in charge, sorry Kim, but no one would bother to follow him physically or online. Not once.
In the description of the collection, where the designer says two words where and how he got the inspiration, Kim had made a novel. Designers usually have few words, for example Yves Saint Laurent, to whom this collection is dedicated, because I have never seen him speak in public, nor laugh. No more creating rhyming verses about where the inspiration came from. Most likely, he would say that for the umpteenth time he was inspired by his mother, the beautiful aristocrat with great taste.
Mr. Jones says that for the men's collection he used a type of tweed, a type of woolen cloth for which Chanel is said to be her favorite. The boots are made with 3D technology, says the innovator with pride, so much so that I don't even understand what he means. I don't know where the handiwork went.
Fillimisht kur pash veshjen aktorit të famshëm të sagës “Twilight”, Robert Pattinson, mu duk fiks si veshjet e labërisë, ose ato nga Tepelena. Vetëm një qeleshe i mungonte dhe Vlora do t’i kërkonte të drejtat e autorit. Binte në sy një xhup i plotë pelushi dhe fundi i leshtë.
Në pasarelën e bukur me ujëra, të cilët simbolizonin ringjalljen, në fokus ishte koleksioni i 1958-tës i Yves Saint Laurent, pasardhësit të Dior. Yves ishte i pari krijues mode, që në moshën 18 vjeçare krijoi një koleksion haute couture për një prej shtëpive më prestigjoze franceze të modës. Yves vetë nuk vishej me çizme 3D, e as me funde të leshta, kishte pamjen tipike të një mashkulli francez, vizjonar dhe fjalëpak. Por po të ishte sot gjallë, mbase do kishte rënë dakort me Kim-in, mbase do ishte revoltuar, e mbase do i kishte provuar dhe vetë ato çizmet avant-garde. Meqë s’kemi nga ta dimë, po shijojmë koleksionin e Kim Jones edhe për disa kohë. Deri sa shtëpia e modës të gjejë një Yves tjetër, ose një Dior.
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