Nën lupën e Stela Sallakut

From the elegance of Spiropal, the most 'easy' style of Manastirli or the 'military' costume of Balluk! Who was wrong and who was not from the ministers, according to Stela Sallaku

There are some of Elisa Spiropal's recent public appearances that I want to say something about her dress. The striped suit, which we applauded for at fashion weeks, suits her better than anything else. Even the suit she is wearing below, with the double "wide peak" collar, gives a more elegant look to the silhouette than the other cuts. Combines well with a pair of high-waisted pants, which leave little room to expose the shirt or blouse down.

From the elegance of Spiropal, the most 'easy' style of Manastirli or

I can not say the same about cutting the suit of Edona, MP from Shkodra. The jacket is a mass (or two) smaller than its body mass. Any jacket that does not snap, or snag with difficulty does not represent you properly. Not to mention the "pussy-bow" shirt (with ribbon collar), which is recommended only for someone who is thinner in the bust. Otherwise it tends to seem more dependent than it should be.

From the elegance of Spiropal, the most 'easy' style of Manastirli or

I want to applaud virtually the only colored suit in the photo, the red one of the Minister of Agriculture, Frida Krifca. No wonder red is also called the color bold, but as such it tends to show every detail in sewing, cutting or design. In this case they are in harmony. I like the combination of the blouse with the shoes, which fortunately are not black.

From the elegance of Spiropal, the most 'easy' style of Manastirli or

“Easy” do e quaja kostumin e ministres Manastirliu. Easy sepse nuk duket shumë formal, easy për shkak të gjatësisë së pantallonave, easy për xhaketën me rrip. Easy llojin e tokëzës së rripit, easy për modelin e flokëve dhe easy për bardhezinë e veshjes.

From the elegance of Spiropal, the most 'easy' style of Manastirli or

Rruazat e ministres së Jashtme, Olta Xhaçka për shembull janë e kundërta e “easy-t”. Më kujtojnë atë modën e dy dekadave më parë që uroj të mos kthehet më. I tregon edhe modelet 18-vjeçare, 10 vite më të mëdha.

Kostumi i zonjës Balluku më kujton (nga xhepat) një dizajn të Ralph Lauren, diku nga vitet 2000, që nuk u kthye më në modë (dhe mirë bëri). Xhepat oversize vënë në pah pikërisht pjesën e barkut dhe kofshëve, duke prishur balancën e krejt look-ut. Ngjan edhe me xhaketat tradicionale ushtarake.

From the elegance of Spiropal, the most 'easy' style of Manastirli or

The buttons on the left side of the jacket are one of the details that make even the most standard jacket look different. More stylish, more fashionable. Parisians also add a silk scarf, for details, the Minister of Education Evis Kushi, has preferred to keep it simple, without pins and without a scarf.

From the elegance of Spiropal, the most 'easy' style of Manastirli or

While Delina Ibrahimaj, the Minister of Finance, reminds me of Margaret Thatcher, who in most cases wore such a blue suit.

From the elegance of Spiropal, the most 'easy' style of Manastirli or

Minister Mirela Kumbaro stays true to her style, minimalist and quiet. I can not criticize the classic style for correctness in clothing.