Nën lupën e Stela Sallakut

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

Në një kohë ku rrjetet sociale janë mbushur me promovime të çantës Bottega Venetta ose sandaleve Amina Muaddi, të mendosh për të shpenzuar 20 dollarë për një fustan është e pamundur. Ose të paktën të duket ashtu. Moda na ka mësuar që po të duash veshje cilësore, duhet të marrësh një kredi të vogël, për çdo rast. Ja pse edhe po të blesh fustan që shkon jo më shumë se 12 dollarë, nuk është ide e keqe. Më poshtë keni disa nga dizajnet e preferuara të miat nga ky butik.

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

At a time when social networks are filled with promotions of Bottega Venetta bag or Amina Muaddi sandals, to think of spending $ 20 on a dress is impossible. Or at least it seems so. Fashion has taught us that if you want quality clothing, you need to get a small loan, just in case.

I was reading someone's blog about second hand clothing, how most influencers today like Danielle Bernstein, have started it very modestly. Today she is on "Forbes", as one of the most influential 30-year-olds. It is important to say that you know how to combine what you have. One of the oldest sayings is that when you have doubts about what to wear, choose basic shades (black, gray, beige, or brown).

That's why even if you buy a dress that goes no more than $ 12, it's not a bad idea. Below you have some of my favorite designs from this boutique. I am putting them with links that you can buy directly.

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

One of those dresses that you can wear at any time is exactly this. To add detail, you can wear it with the shirt down. (click on the photo for the link).

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

For evenings at the beach.

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

Ideal for fall.

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

Another suggestion for fall, which goes with sneakers or heels.

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

Slightly more expensive than $ 12, but worth it.

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

For sunny weekends.

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

Goes well with boots.

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12

Where can you wear a dress that no one will believe costs no more than $ 12