Nën lupën e Stela Sallakut

Céline's famous stylist returns, but now with her line. Why Phoebe Philo is unique to women

Céline's famous stylist returns, but now with her line. Why Phoebe

Probably one of the most recognizable stylists in the fashion world, Philo was first recognized as Chloé's creative director from 2001 to 2006 and then as Céline's creative director from 2008 to 2018, where she was widely acclaimed for collections, which had centered women.

Céline's famous stylist returns, but now with her line. Why Phoebe

Shpesh e vlerësuar si revolucionare, Philo krijoi 17 koleksione gjatë qëndrimit të saj në Céline, si dhe krijoi fushata të shumta, të cilat u prodhuan kryesisht në bashkëpunim me fotografin gjerman Juergen Teller. Ndoshta më e famshmja nga këto, ishte ajo me yllin Joan Didion në atë që me siguri do të hyjë në historinë e modës si një nga fushatat më të rëndësishme dhe të paharrueshme të viteve 2010. Që kur u largua nga Céline, Philo ka qenë kryesisht e paangazhuar, ndaj dhe lajmi se ajo do lançojë linjën e saj të veshjeve është pritur me entuziazëm të vërtetë.

Céline's famous stylist returns, but now with her line. Why Phoebe

"Being in my studio and doing what I adore has been exciting and incredibly fulfilling," Philo said in a statement published in Business of Fashion. "I look forward to getting back in touch with my audience and people everywhere. Being independent, governing and experimenting on my own terms is extremely important to me. I have had a very constructive and creative working relationship with LVMH for many years "So it is a natural progress for us to reconnect with this new project."

Céline's famous stylist returns, but now with her line. Why Phoebe

And while she promised "clothing and accessories of exceptional quality and design", much remains to be seen - whether her firm will focus on women's clothing, offer men's clothing, or clothing that does not take into account gender completely. What we do know is that one of the most interesting contemporary stylists is back on the market and this is great news.

Céline's famous stylist returns, but now with her line. Why Phoebe

Céline's famous stylist returns, but now with her line. Why Phoebe

Céline's famous stylist returns, but now with her line. Why Phoebe

Céline's famous stylist returns, but now with her line. Why Phoebe