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5 dress suggestions from Cary Grant, for real gentlemen

"Kam blerë dhjetëra kostume gjatë viteve dhe të gjitha kanë një atribut të përbashkët: ato janë, si të thuash, në mes të modës. Me këtë dua të them që nuk janë trendi i fundit ose shumë larg tij, as nuk janë tepër konservatore. Me fjalë të tjera, xhaketat nuk janë as shumë të gjera as shumë të ngushta, as pantallonat gjithashtu. Palltot as shumë të shkurtra as të gjata. Kam veshur rroba të stilit ekstrem, por vetëm për role në filma të veçantë. Përndryshe, thjeshtësia, për mua, ka qenë gjithmonë thelbi i të veshurit mirë ".

Ever since Cary Grant first appeared in Hollywood in the late 1930s, his status as a style icon has never been questioned. The sartorial master gave his advice to the GQ editors for the Winter 1967/68 issue in an article called, "Cary Grant On Style". The whole interview can be summed up in one sentence, true style is truly timeless.

5 dress suggestions from Cary Grant, for real gentlemen

Cary Grant: "I've bought dozens of costumes over the years and they all have one thing in common: they're, so to speak, in the middle of fashion. By that I mean they're not the latest trend or far from it, nor are they. In other words, the jackets are neither too wide nor too tight, nor the pants either.The coats are neither too short nor too long.I have worn extreme style clothes, but only for roles in special movies.Otherwise "Simplicity, for me, has always been the essence of dressing well."

5 dress suggestions from Cary Grant, for real gentlemen

"I remember a piece of advice my father gave me about shoes: he served me whenever my finances were low. He said it 's better to buy a good pair of shoes than four cheap ones. A pair made thin leather can exceed four inferior pairs and, if you take care of them.The same goes for suits, so let me suggest you buy the best you can afford even though it means buying less ".

5 dress suggestions from Cary Grant, for real gentlemen

Well, if a man's budget limits him to just one suit, then I would choose something "invisible." even for evening ones.I suggest it be lightweight piece because you can wear it in summer or winter.

5 dress suggestions from Cary Grant, for real gentlemen

"During the summer I wore light beige suits. They are cheap and, if well kept, are acceptable almost anywhere at any time, even in the evening. Also, the coat can be worn with gray seaside shirts and pants you can use them separately with a sports shirt and moccasins, or a pair of white canvas shoes with heavy heels, like the ones worn by college youth. "

5 dress suggestions from Cary Grant, for real gentlemen