By Albina Shehu⁄ In my last article we talked about the care that mothers should take during pregnancy and after giving birth, today we are focusing on babies. If we look back at the dentistry of the 90s and 2000s, we will remember 2 things:
1. The horror of the school dentist or neighborhood polyclinic.
2. And the fact that no one brushed the children's teeth because they would change soon.
Today in 2023, many things have changed, we now have a very modern dentistry with advanced tools and techniques, but some of the problems remain the same.
New parents learn the myths of the past and are suspicious of any information about their children's dental hygiene.
And when should children start brushing their teeth?
According to the American Dental Association: ( click here ) a child's teeth should start brushing from the first moment they come out, i.e. around 6-7 months.
We recommend that around this age the mother starts with a silicon finger without paste or with a fluoride-free paste, in the amount of a grain of rice 2 times a day. We recommend that the silicone finger be used until the child has at least 6 teeth. With it, the teeth are cleaned, but the gums are also massaged, making the emergence of new teeth a little easier.
Ne rekomandojmë që kjo gjë të bëhet nga 0-17 muajsh, më pas rekomandohet të nisë përdorimi i pastave të pasura me fluoride në përqendrimin 500ppm deri në moshën 5-6 vjeç. Sasia e rekomanduar e pastës për këto mosha është sa një kokërr orizi. Më pas nga mosha 6 vjeç e sipër të nisë përdorimin e pastave me përqendrim fluoridesh 1000-1500ppm. Sasia e rekomanduar e pastës është sa një kokërr bizeleje, dhe kështu vijon dhe për adutët. Përqendrimi klasik i fluorideve ne pasta është 1450ppm dhe ne e rekomandojmë nga mosha adoleshencës e në vazhdim për gjithë adutët.
Brushing the teeth at an early age greatly reduces the probability of carious risk, that is, that the teeth will break at a young age. With the decay of teeth at a young age, in addition to the pain, problems such as avoiding food, which causes pain, also begin. Psychological problems also start, such as the shyness they feel in front of their friends if they have broken teeth, especially the first teeth. Usually, when children have pain, they start avoiding solid food, preferring only ground food, thus directly affecting the muscular and skeletal development of the jaws and their supporting muscles, the development of the child as a whole, etc.